User manuals

Here you can find instruction manuals meant to assist you with the operation of the chosen software product. Please rely on them in order to ensure proper usage of the program and complete your tasks with maximum efficiency.

The manuals for certain products developed by our team are hosted on their respective product websites. Please visit the following links to explore their functionality.

UFS Explorer

For guidance on using UFS Explorer of the Standard, RAID and Network RAID editions, please refer to this joint user manual:

To learn how to utilize the specific capabilities of UFS Explorer Video Recovery, you may consult the user manual devoted to this software:

The user manual explaining the use of UFS Explorer Standard Access is available via this link:

In case you’re running an outdated version of UFS Explorer, you may want to review the manuals for prior product releases. However, please note that these materials are no longer maintained:

Raise Data Recovery

Get acquainted with Raise Data Recovery and effortlessly navigate the program with the help of this detailed user manual:

Other resources

In addition to the user manuals, we also offer an extensive selection of articles addressing the key aspects of data recovery. They will provide you with the answers to common questions, helpful tips and best practices for using our software products. Whether you're a novice user or an experienced specialist, look into our knowledge bases to find the complementing information and unlock the full potential of our solutions:

Besides, we create videos and tutorials covering various topics related to data recovery as well as the ins and outs of using our utilities. If you prefer visual demonstrations or want to dive deeper into specific features, check out our channel on YouTube:

We're constantly updating and improving these resources to help you get the most out of our software. Your feedback is invaluable to us, so please don't hesitate to contact us with any questions, suggestions or concerns you may have.